Monday, October 31, 2016

 My true color is green which is an individual who seeks knowledge and understanding. There was many careers that seemed interesting, but my main focus is to become an EMT. I have the idiosyncrasy to help others and to be part of the action. As an EMT you are one of the first wave of assistance that patients receive. Requires you to always be alert and focused because there are going to be situations that need spontaneous decision making which creates a critical impact. This profession teaches you to have great character and Integrity, for you are always making connections and surround yourself with great people who you consider family.

My counselor was Dr. Xiao Wang. I already had an idea of what courses I needed to complete for my major, but she helped me organize and made the process lucid. She gave me an idea of which courses to take together so I wont have trouble focusing on my major. She told me all the general education I can finish before so I can have a symmetrical life between college an my time gaining experience in a hospital setting.

 I interviewed Ryan Carey who is EMT- Director at El Camino for 2 years now. His position requires to hire staff/instructors and decides which students should be admitted to the EMT- Program. The job also requires that he maintains regulation with LA county making sure that all license of those just admitted to the work force to be correct. Solicitous for those with backgrounds containing felonies or other unacceptable factors. Before he became a leader here at El Camino he already had 10 years as a EMT-FireFighter as a member of Pasadena FD, Riverside FD. He participated in Hotshot Crews  and did 6 years of service for the US Air Force: Fire Protection. After an accident where an explosion blew out his spinal disk it ended his career as a FireFighter, but that doesn't stop him from leaving his profession in the medical field. Today as a euphoric and dexterous man he does his very best to teach his students the necassary skills to become a great EMT. The acronym "ICARE" is really important and it stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Empathy. He shows how an EMT/FireFighter should be mentally prepared and reliable for the emergency call. If the patient is ugly, beautiful, kind, violent, rich, or poor they all deserve the same amount of respect and understanding.

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