Monday, October 31, 2016

My True Color

My True Color is Orange

For my Career I chose to be in a Film/Film Production area because that is my actual major. I've been making short films and random videos since I was young. I used to upload them on youtube a couple years ago but those videos are probably lost by now. I made stop motion as well with other random toys I had around the house. As I got older I got an iPhone and began to create videos with it like time lapses and things of that sort or city views. My friends and I would go on random adventures and I'd film along too. Filming has always been a part of my life and I really enjoy making films. Since I don't have a good camera nor actors I like to practice on a video game called Grand Theft Auto which has a Director Mode and It's really fun I play video games and get to edit videos. Although creating the films can take a long time and can be a detriment the end result is worth it. Some research that I have come across is, in order to be able to major in film you need to take certain classes like Math and English courses. It will also take 3-4 years to be able to major in film. You don't exactly need to major in film because there are some companies whom don't require it can be superfluous but if you do major, it can look better on you.

I spoke to a councilor named Brenda Alvarez she told me about all the classes necessary to take for the film major and even took the time to create an Educational Plan for me. Film can be easy at times because you can work from home.Here at El Camino we have all those classes to teach me to become a better film director/producer. So hearing that from her made me feel a solace.

I also spoke to a friend of mine named Salvador who is self employed and works in making films and music videos for people as well as artists He is also a photographer. He likes working with people he meets new people everyday and he really enjoys what he does. He is very professional about his work and takes his time and effort while starting a project to perfect it. One thing I learned from him is that you always have to push and focus on yourself as well as not care what others think of you so you will be able to achieve your goals.

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