Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Family

My name is Kelly and I have a small family of three. I have my strong and independent mom named Noemi, and my silly and smart brother named Kevin. To many people, my family is real small and all, but to me it just means that there is more love to go around. These are two very amazing and wonderful people that I have as family. They are the ones that keep me going and get me motivated. The love that I have for them is unconditional. I know that no matter where life decides to take me, they will be right behind me to keep me moving forward. They make me extremely euphoric.

One of my best friends is my mom. I chose this photo because it shows how close and happy we are with one another. She has been there for me through everything. I admire the fact that she has been there for me because she wants to, and not because she "has to". Every time I need someone to talk to or need some advice, she always seems to be the person I look for. I know that I can really count on her with everything. This women is seriously more than just a mom to me, she is my role model. I want to be as caring and helpful as she is. I have learned that being humble and giving gets you places in life. Everywhere she goes, she seems to earn every ones respect; that is real hard to do because people are not easily pleased. she never tries to make people like her, for some reason it just happens. She lightens up my life with her personality.

Another close person that I have in my life is my little brother Kevin. I chose this photo because it shows of how much he makes me smile/laugh, and what a good time we always have when we are together. He has an inane and facetious personality. He is the one I go to when I need a smile in my face or want to just have a good time in general. He has also been there for me, for as long as I can remember. Because he is my only sibling he has to deal with my problems all the time. Whenever I am feeling down, I know he will always be there to try and make me life. We have our ups and downs here and there, but I am so glad that we have more ups and downs. He plays a very important role in my life because he had taught me to live my life to the fullest and not worry about anyone about myself. He has also taught me that you can't make everyone happy, so just worry about making yourself happy, and nothing else.

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