Monday, October 31, 2016

My True Color

                                       My True Color

Business management
Image result for business managementMy true color resulted in being green and the career in which I chose to pursuit is business management. Some duties that a business manager may have are jurisdictions of one or many enterprises. They also have to assure that everything is running well which includes maintenance, planning, organization, budgeting, and keeping things symmetrical. In order to become a inclusive business manager you have to be able to use leadership and you also have to direct others. Another thing is that it's important to work well with people and build a good relationship with employees. The average salary for my career is around $57,000 but goes as far as up to $100,000 and possibly more. Monthly earnings would be roughly $5,000 not including bonuses or even extra time. I feel as if I would be a great fit for this career simply because I carry traits that match and are essential to becoming a business manager. Also i have somewhat of a little knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done. 

I interviewed my father who he himself has been a business owner ever since the 80's. He's gone from owning a office cleaning business to a plumbing business and finally ended up having a trucking business. i feel as if he's a great person to interview simply because he's been successful throughout all these business and that means hes doing the right things. one thing he told me is that you go to customers and to always try to make content. He also said he believes that in order to be successful you must know whatever business you're in like the back of your hand. one thing I've learned from what my father told me is that it isn't easy to manage a business. he said it takes a lot of work and patience. my last question to him was if he loved his job and he replied with hes always been a person who likes to be a leader rather than get bossed around so he definitely enjoys being a business owner and also a business manager. My plans are to get an associates degree in business management then possibly work for a company for a while and then later return to school to get my bachelor degree in business management.   

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