Sunday, October 30, 2016


Emergency Medical Technician 

MR. Basore
    My true color was yellow and my career was EMT. They are clinical technicians that respond to any issue that is presented. EMT's make 14 dollars per hour and make 31,000 per year. They must work for at least 3 days straight including nights. Also, they must go through basic training for three months. In this training, they learn how to use the medical equipment and practice different ways to lift injured patients. My counselor that I choose was Dr. Margaret Quinones helped me plan my career as an EMT. She helped me by giving me a facsimile copy of the EMT outline to show me all the classes I need to take.

 For my interview, I decide to ask a former EMT, named Kyle Bashore. He worked as an EMT for eight years and has lots of knowledge on how to become one. During his time as an EMT he was advocate as captain and oversaw his group. After he retired as an EMT he decided to become a Health instructor for, Cathedral City High School in palm springs. One thing that I learned from him was, being away for so long from you family is hard and the scenarios that you face could be hard. What makes him symmetrical is that he is not scared to tell you the hard parts of the jobs, because he wants to make sure that you know the truth about it. I asked him about the training and he responded, “The training is hard but it shows you how to safe other and how to maintain yourself safe during your job”. I finish by asking him if the job was worth it. He responded “If you love your job, then it’s worth it but being in the actual job can make you think it twice”. From this I learned to choose wisely and to do the things I love to do and not what I think I’ll like to do.   

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