Monday, October 31, 2016

Blog #2: Environmental Science

My true color is green and the careers I found in that area was environmental science. I found out that people can make a lot of money in that field. This field is not that competitive its actually very easy to become an environmental science. I'm very good in science and this field is good for me. My counselors name Ken Key. Who is a science counselor told me about this field. It is cohesive to the world and the environment. I wasn't as stressed as I was Ken Key gave me some resource of jobs for environmental. Their are some fields of environmental which are very robust. I knew what classes I needed to take in the future. I enjoy working in the lab when I was in chemistry. This is working in the lab which is something I enjoy. I can find cures for diseases and make the world a utopia. In the environment it is hard for the scientist to find new cures in life. I can change that by inventing something new. It also doesn't need a college degree all it needs is some classes and thats it.

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