Sunday, October 30, 2016

My color was gold in my true color test. I follow rules most of the times, and have a strong sense of right and wrong. I enjoy feeling useful I like people to ask me for help. I am also very punctual and organized. The career of accounting suits me because they are very useful for people and have to be organized in the job. It is good money also so I can provide for my family whenever I decide to have one. Talking to Ken Gaines I found out that you need a bachelors degree and the major for this job is Business. We came up with a conspiracy for me and how to achieve all the requirements I needed to become a accountant. He was very helpful and even went through some trouble on his computer to find out exactly what I needed and what were some good schools I could go to that were germane to my major. He genuinely seemed like he wanted to help me achieve my goals. Also, what really got me to feel good about this was that if I get the degree in business then there are so many other things you can do with business that if I end up not liking accounting then there is a big list of other things I can do.

I talked with a guy named Patrick Hull. He teaches an accounting and a business class at El Camino. He used to do accounting after he graduated college. I found out that he used to be an accountant but decided not to do it because it was too hard. There was constant pressure on him and long work days up to 14 hours. And, when he got off he would still be working trying to learn new things he had to perform his job. Also, when he was in college he decided to do the job for the same reason I did. It was because he was good with numbers but found out that that isn't the only thing you need to be good at. You need to be reading a lot and know how to write good essays. I was a little distraught after this interview because I used to think it was all about numbers and thought it would be perfect for me but he made me second guess it now. But I actually wont know until I try an accounting class.

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