Monday, October 31, 2016

English 84

True Color (Orange)
Agricultural Specialist

Related imageImage result for Agricultural SpecialistMy true color was orange I found many jobs that would fit that color but I choose agriculture. There are many branches so I choose agricultural specialist the people who work in this branch are in charge of enforcing rules about the product and making sure various agricultural items are ready to be taken across the borders. I learned that the people that have this career make good money and have a lot of benefits like their salary is of about $76,730 a year, personal leave days, vacation days, family health insurance or for an ill family member, life insurance, retirement program, and work places have fitness facilities. They must have a bachelor’s degree and a major in biological science (including botany, entomology and plant pathology). Agriculture specialists have to be able to give farm works advice on the livestock. They can also know about the animal science, soil science, or field crops. Also keep records about the test they make and to provide information for farmers and people who have agricultural business.

I met with me Counselor at the being of the year and had trouble making an appointment when asked to meet with Kenneth Gaines. The counselor I met with at the being of the year was Kelsey Lino who was very nice and understood that I am undecided and just want to transfer. She was very mesmerizing throughout our conversation/appointment. She said that my rudimentary education had to be reinforced with general classes. I was very euphoric to make a list of all the classes I need in order to transfer. My counselor was patient and helpful with me and answered all my questions to the best of her ability.

Madison Martinez works in New Mexico in a port she’s currently an intern from Mexico City she is my aunt. She is getting a work visa because she is super smart and is willing to come live and work in L.A. to not be so far from all her family. She went to school for about 6 years. She studied English in a private school in Mexico City throughout high school and is fluent in both Spanish and English. She did her bachelor’s in Mexico and her master’s at the same time. Doing research online I found that they have a lot of job requirements are; must be subject to random drug test, experience with pesticide, x-ray or environmental monitoring, or farm management.

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