Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blog #2,

As my true color green I am in need of answers, seeking knowledge and explanations. I am reserved, very emotional and a thinker in life. Greens tend to be insightfull, tenacious in their work and expressive when they show there personal side.  One of my careers I matched with was Business management also known as business administrators, chief executive officers (CEO) and more.

Business managers coordinate business activities in private industry and public agencies. They are responsible for operations of how well a business is performing, organizing and purchasing more products. Business managers use leadership skills and give a direction to others to get the task done. I have decided to persue this career in life to become successful. While doing my research I uncovered that business managers make about $6,600 a month without overtime included. My initial thought on the job was it was rudimentary  but after interviewing a business executive I realize it is harder than it seems. Graham Martin who is currently business manager at G-Imports told me his work days are 8-10 hours just at the shop, but when he gets home he tends to do more research and work for the job. Graham did not have a business degree when initially getting the job but now that is something required by most companies. He told me you cannot be reticent for this job, you have to be very out spoken and know what you are talking about. Graham told me he loves his job and is currently trying to go back to school online to get a degree in Business management. Graham helped me understand the responsibilities in becoming a business manager.

 Learning more about this mesmerizing job I talked to a counselor to know the basics of getting a degree in this area of interest. Maribel Hernandez helped me find all the classes I would need to take in order to fill the requirements for a business management degree. She also told me that I would need to transfer to a school with business as one of there majors in order to get a bachelors degree. El Camino has a lot of economic and business classes here but she said if i want to further my career I would need to transfer somewhere. Maribel also told me about some of her connections with people who also are in this industry. She seemed very interested to help me transfer somewhere close to home. 

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