Tuesday, December 13, 2016
my true color
my true color is gold. what gold means is that like to make work provocative. They like to take things step by step to make it simpler. The career I chose is a Chemical Processer. Its a lot of hard labor. the work place is mostly vociferous, never reticent. Its a lot of mechanical, and physical labor. The environment is very toxic and dangerous so the uniforms are not that flamboyant for safety.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
My True Color
My True Color is: Green
My color explains that I like to seek knowledge and understanding, and how we like to live up to our own standards and not someone elses rules. We are deep thinkers, and we are the ones who like everything to kind of be perfect. We question everything that is being said/taught to us, and how we want answers for everything that we question.
The Career I choose is: Liberal Studies
Somethings that I found out is that women earn two percent more than a male when it comes to teaching. That is something that is crazy, and something I forsure did not know. I also learned that you get weekly hours, depending how old you are. Starting minimum wage for a teacher is around $18.60. That for me is amazing because I get to do what I have always wanted to do, and get paid for doing it. I found out that the hours you work per week also depends on your age, my starters would be from ages 20-29, and that is 37 or more hours a week. The older you get, the more hours you get. I also read, that you get paid more depending in the area you work, and on average about how old the kids are. Another way you can get paid more, would be if you teach a foreign language, you can be payed more.
Counselor’s meet-up:
I ended up meeting with Sabra Sabio. She was such an amazing counselor, and I recommend her to everyone because she seriously a huge help. She seemed to know almost all the answers to my questions, and when there was a question that she wasn’t able to answer, she would find a way to get the answer. She was one out four counselors that I have met up and actually helped me. She ended up showing me types of schools that offered my major, and the ones that didn’t. She gave me several liaisons to websites, on how I could get informed about college meetups or when I can be notified that they would be coming to El Camino. Because I was undecided on what school I wanted to transfer after El Camino, she gave me options and helped me narrow my options to two schools that I am interested in. She gave me the rubric of what I was expected from UC’s and CSU’s and explained to me how I can get there. I knew that Liberal studies was a major that was probably going to be ubiquitous, but I guess I was wrong. The only UC that would probably take me for my major (and would be a huge help) is Riverside, and one of my options was UCLA. She also made me an educational plan, and showed/explain how that all worked. I have met up with 3 counselors before her, and never did they mention an educational plan to me. She was overall a huge help, because she showed me a lot about different types of colleges and helped me choose all my classes that I will be taking in the next two years at El Camino. She really seemed like she cared, and liked doing her job.
I ended interviewing my elementary teacher Mrs.Tank. She was my third grade teacher that I haven't seen since then. She worked in Anderson Elementary school in 154th. I ended up finding her contact information through my 5th grade teacher Mrs.Strong, who worked with her. While interviewing her, I learned that being an elementary teacher could be harder than it sounds. That just because you get to “boss” little kids around, doesn’t mean things will be easy. She told me that patience is key when you are teaching kids. When they don’t get things of the bat you have to be willing to be there, and explain to them, until they get them. She also told me that teaching young kids makes you feel pressured, because in a way, you are basically shaping them to either love school or hate it. She explain how kids at that young age already have their minds set, whether they like school or not, but you could be a changing factor in their lives. That is something that I couldn’t possibly search on the internet because that comes from an actual person in that particular career. These might seem like very simple things that I could've figured out on my own, but they seriously meant a lot, because I haven’t yet thought of them. Something that I really didn't really know is that she told me that there is a lack of teachers. She then told me how euphoric she was to hear that one of her old students was going to basically going to fill in her footsteps and become an elementary teacher.

I ended interviewing my elementary teacher Mrs.Tank. She was my third grade teacher that I haven't seen since then. She worked in Anderson Elementary school in 154th. I ended up finding her contact information through my 5th grade teacher Mrs.Strong, who worked with her. While interviewing her, I learned that being an elementary teacher could be harder than it sounds. That just because you get to “boss” little kids around, doesn’t mean things will be easy. She told me that patience is key when you are teaching kids. When they don’t get things of the bat you have to be willing to be there, and explain to them, until they get them. She also told me that teaching young kids makes you feel pressured, because in a way, you are basically shaping them to either love school or hate it. She explain how kids at that young age already have their minds set, whether they like school or not, but you could be a changing factor in their lives. That is something that I couldn’t possibly search on the internet because that comes from an actual person in that particular career. These might seem like very simple things that I could've figured out on my own, but they seriously meant a lot, because I haven’t yet thought of them. Something that I really didn't really know is that she told me that there is a lack of teachers. She then told me how euphoric she was to hear that one of her old students was going to basically going to fill in her footsteps and become an elementary teacher.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Mechanical Engineer
After taking the true colors test I got the color green. The color green indicated that I need explanations and answers with deep analysis. Deep analysis is required because the color indicated that I will not move on of an idea if I do not fully understand. My career of choice is mechanical engineering because the name interested me. On my research I found out that mechanical engineers are not necessarily doing hands on work most of the time. Instead mechanical engineers do a lot of developing new ideas or even rebuild machines dealing with combustion. Many mechanical engineers work in groups and bolster each other with problem solving and developing new ideas. An interesting fact about mechanical engineers are that they help build many machinery that involves transportation such as cars, planes, and many more.
Since I grew interest in my future career I was recommended to see a counselor in order to see the requirements necessary for the career. I decided to recourse a counseling appointment with Brian Mims. During the counseling appointment Brian and I discussed the steps I need to follow in order to become a mechanical engineer. The first step Brian said to do was to complete all of my CSU and UC transferable courses. After I complete all of my transferable courses I would then need to complete the required courses for mechanical engineering. Once I complete those two steps then I could apply to a CSU or UC university.
After seeing a counselor I decided it was best to interview someone who is affiliated with mechanical engineering. I was recommended to interview Cocca Steven so I schedule an appointment with him. Cocca Steven is a former professor at el camino college and a former engineer. One thing that I found interesting during our interview was that mechanical engineering is a lot of group work. Majority of mechanical engineers work together as a whole in order to have Inclusive ideas.
Since I grew interest in my future career I was recommended to see a counselor in order to see the requirements necessary for the career. I decided to recourse a counseling appointment with Brian Mims. During the counseling appointment Brian and I discussed the steps I need to follow in order to become a mechanical engineer. The first step Brian said to do was to complete all of my CSU and UC transferable courses. After I complete all of my transferable courses I would then need to complete the required courses for mechanical engineering. Once I complete those two steps then I could apply to a CSU or UC university.
After seeing a counselor I decided it was best to interview someone who is affiliated with mechanical engineering. I was recommended to interview Cocca Steven so I schedule an appointment with him. Cocca Steven is a former professor at el camino college and a former engineer. One thing that I found interesting during our interview was that mechanical engineering is a lot of group work. Majority of mechanical engineers work together as a whole in order to have Inclusive ideas.
Blog 2
My True colors is Blue.
and compassionate. The color blue links up with careers
like: Dental hygienist, Dentist, nursing, and doctor.
Those careers are all fascinating to me. They all have
something in common; They all help people.
My True Color
My True Color is Orange
For my Career I chose to be in a Film/Film Production area because that is my actual major. I've been making short films and random videos since I was young. I used to upload them on youtube a couple years ago but those videos are probably lost by now. I made stop motion as well with other random toys I had around the house. As I got older I got an iPhone and began to create videos with it like time lapses and things of that sort or city views. My friends and I would go on random adventures and I'd film along too. Filming has always been a part of my life and I really enjoy making films. Since I don't have a good camera nor actors I like to practice on a video game called Grand Theft Auto which has a Director Mode and It's really fun I play video games and get to edit videos. Although creating the films can take a long time and can be a detriment the end result is worth it. Some research that I have come across is, in order to be able to major in film you need to take certain classes like Math and English courses. It will also take 3-4 years to be able to major in film. You don't exactly need to major in film because there are some companies whom don't require it can be superfluous but if you do major, it can look better on you.
I spoke to a councilor named Brenda Alvarez she told me about all the classes necessary to take for the film major and even took the time to create an Educational Plan for me. Film can be easy at times because you can work from home.Here at El Camino we have all those classes to teach me to become a better film director/producer. So hearing that from her made me feel a solace.
I also spoke to a friend of mine named Salvador who is self employed and works in making films and music videos for people as well as artists He is also a photographer. He likes working with people he meets new people everyday and he really enjoys what he does. He is very professional about his work and takes his time and effort while starting a project to perfect it. One thing I learned from him is that you always have to push and focus on yourself as well as not care what others think of you so you will be able to achieve your goals.
For my Career I chose to be in a Film/Film Production area because that is my actual major. I've been making short films and random videos since I was young. I used to upload them on youtube a couple years ago but those videos are probably lost by now. I made stop motion as well with other random toys I had around the house. As I got older I got an iPhone and began to create videos with it like time lapses and things of that sort or city views. My friends and I would go on random adventures and I'd film along too. Filming has always been a part of my life and I really enjoy making films. Since I don't have a good camera nor actors I like to practice on a video game called Grand Theft Auto which has a Director Mode and It's really fun I play video games and get to edit videos. Although creating the films can take a long time and can be a detriment the end result is worth it. Some research that I have come across is, in order to be able to major in film you need to take certain classes like Math and English courses. It will also take 3-4 years to be able to major in film. You don't exactly need to major in film because there are some companies whom don't require it can be superfluous but if you do major, it can look better on you.
I spoke to a councilor named Brenda Alvarez she told me about all the classes necessary to take for the film major and even took the time to create an Educational Plan for me. Film can be easy at times because you can work from home.Here at El Camino we have all those classes to teach me to become a better film director/producer. So hearing that from her made me feel a solace.
I also spoke to a friend of mine named Salvador who is self employed and works in making films and music videos for people as well as artists He is also a photographer. He likes working with people he meets new people everyday and he really enjoys what he does. He is very professional about his work and takes his time and effort while starting a project to perfect it. One thing I learned from him is that you always have to push and focus on yourself as well as not care what others think of you so you will be able to achieve your goals.
My true color is green which is an individual who seeks knowledge and understanding. There was many careers that seemed interesting, but my main focus is to become an EMT. I have the idiosyncrasy to help others and to be part of the action. As an EMT you are one of the first wave of assistance that patients receive. Requires you to always be alert and focused because there are going to be situations that need spontaneous decision making which creates a critical impact. This profession teaches you to have great character and Integrity, for you are always making connections and surround yourself with great people who you consider family.
My counselor was Dr. Xiao Wang. I already had an idea of what courses I needed to complete for my major, but she helped me organize and made the process lucid. She gave me an idea of which courses to take together so I wont have trouble focusing on my major. She told me all the general education I can finish before so I can have a symmetrical life between college an my time gaining experience in a hospital setting.
I interviewed Ryan Carey who is EMT- Director at El Camino for 2 years now. His position requires to hire staff/instructors and decides which students should be admitted to the EMT- Program. The job also requires that he maintains regulation with LA county making sure that all license of those just admitted to the work force to be correct. Solicitous for those with backgrounds containing felonies or other unacceptable factors. Before he became a leader here at El Camino he already had 10 years as a EMT-FireFighter as a member of Pasadena FD, Riverside FD. He participated in Hotshot Crews and did 6 years of service for the US Air Force: Fire Protection. After an accident where an explosion blew out his spinal disk it ended his career as a FireFighter, but that doesn't stop him from leaving his profession in the medical field. Today as a euphoric and dexterous man he does his very best to teach his students the necassary skills to become a great EMT. The acronym "ICARE" is really important and it stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Empathy. He shows how an EMT/FireFighter should be mentally prepared and reliable for the emergency call. If the patient is ugly, beautiful, kind, violent, rich, or poor they all deserve the same amount of respect and understanding.
My counselor was Dr. Xiao Wang. I already had an idea of what courses I needed to complete for my major, but she helped me organize and made the process lucid. She gave me an idea of which courses to take together so I wont have trouble focusing on my major. She told me all the general education I can finish before so I can have a symmetrical life between college an my time gaining experience in a hospital setting.
I interviewed Ryan Carey who is EMT- Director at El Camino for 2 years now. His position requires to hire staff/instructors and decides which students should be admitted to the EMT- Program. The job also requires that he maintains regulation with LA county making sure that all license of those just admitted to the work force to be correct. Solicitous for those with backgrounds containing felonies or other unacceptable factors. Before he became a leader here at El Camino he already had 10 years as a EMT-FireFighter as a member of Pasadena FD, Riverside FD. He participated in Hotshot Crews and did 6 years of service for the US Air Force: Fire Protection. After an accident where an explosion blew out his spinal disk it ended his career as a FireFighter, but that doesn't stop him from leaving his profession in the medical field. Today as a euphoric and dexterous man he does his very best to teach his students the necassary skills to become a great EMT. The acronym "ICARE" is really important and it stands for Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Empathy. He shows how an EMT/FireFighter should be mentally prepared and reliable for the emergency call. If the patient is ugly, beautiful, kind, violent, rich, or poor they all deserve the same amount of respect and understanding.
My True Color
My True Color
Business management
I interviewed my father who he himself has been a business owner ever since the 80's. He's gone from owning a office cleaning business to a plumbing business and finally ended up having a trucking business. i feel as if he's a great person to interview simply because he's been successful throughout all these business and that means hes doing the right things. one thing he told me is that you go to customers and to always try to make content. He also said he believes that in order to be successful you must know whatever business you're in like the back of your hand. one thing I've learned from what my father told me is that it isn't easy to manage a business. he said it takes a lot of work and patience. my last question to him was if he loved his job and he replied with hes always been a person who likes to be a leader rather than get bossed around so he definitely enjoys being a business owner and also a business manager. My plans are to get an associates degree in business management then possibly work for a company for a while and then later return to school to get my bachelor degree in business management.
Registered Nurse
The color that I got after taking the True Colors test was blue. Some of the characteristics that were listed were looking for meaning in life, unique, authentic, communicative, compassionate, satisfaction from contributing to and encourage others, good supporter, and a good listener. There were many careers in the Medical field under the color blue. The career that I choose was a Registered nurse because it's something I've been wanting to be since I was very young. Helping people has always mesmerized me. I don't like seeing people distraught, so I would want to help up lift them. A Registered Nurse is someone who gives a patient information about their health condition, provide support for patients and their family, and perform patient care. You could become a registered nurse in about 3 years, you just need to really be dedicated and put in effort since it's a career that is really impacted. There is a lot of competition, since the medical field has always been popular. There will always be doctors, dentists, nurses, etc. needed. It’s a career that will never run out of jobs.
The counselor that I went to go see, Maribel Hernandez, was very helpful. She was very patient with me and really helped guide me through on what classes I should take for my career. Turns out, we have some classes that are just right for my career. Since I want to transfer to Cal State Long Beach, I need a total of 60 transferable units in order to be able to transfer. She helped me choose my classes for my next 4 semesters at El Camino. She told me, “I want to make sure you are taking the right classes, instead of taking the wrong ones and wasting time since I’m sure you want to transfer quickly.” She really took the time to explain what each class was, so I wouldn’t be confused. I could tell the counselor is really dedicated at what she does and enjoys her job. There aren’t many counselors out there like her.
The person that I interviewed was Maryanne. She works at Kaiser Permanente and is a Registered Nurse. She has been a nurse for 20 years. She really enjoys her job because she knows that she is making a positive impact in people’s lives. It puts a smile on her face knowing that she is capable of helping patients in any way she can. She never wants people to feel precarious because her job is to make them feel safe. Something that was totally different from what I’ve researched was that you must have good memory while on the job, since it could move at a fast pace at times.English 84
True Color (Orange)
Agricultural Specialist

I met with me Counselor at the being of the year and had
trouble making an appointment when asked to meet with Kenneth Gaines. The
counselor I met with at the being of the year was Kelsey Lino who was very nice
and understood that I am undecided and just want to transfer. She was very mesmerizing throughout
our conversation/appointment. She said that my rudimentary education had to be reinforced with
general classes. I was very euphoric to make a list of all the classes I need
in order to transfer. My counselor was patient and helpful with me and answered
all my questions to the best of her ability.
Madison Martinez works in New Mexico in a port she’s currently
an intern from Mexico City she is my aunt. She is getting a work visa because
she is super smart and is willing to come live and work in L.A. to not be so
far from all her family. She went to school for about 6 years. She studied English
in a private school in Mexico City throughout high school and is fluent in both
Spanish and English. She did her bachelor’s in Mexico and her master’s at the
same time. Doing research online I found that they have a lot of job requirements
are; must be subject to random drug test, experience with pesticide, x-ray or
environmental monitoring, or farm management.
Forensic Anthropologist
The true color test showed me that my color is green. Having the color green indicated that I am a deep thinker and I tend to focus and analyze projects and ideas until I can make sense of them. The career I choose is Anthropology but more specifically Forensic Anthropology. This branch of Anthropology has to do with analyzing skeletal remains for criminal cases. In order to actually practice this you must have a Phd and be certified by ABFA (American Board of Forensic Anthropology). During my research I found out that positions for this job are very competitive due to the scarce positions however having extensive knowledge can help out. Some requirements are not lucid but are needed to succeed in this field. It is recommended that you have a knowledge of how to read X-rays and analyze its contents. Forensic Anthropologists usually make a median salary of $54,230. There is also a requirement to get your degree which would be doing fieldwork. In fieldwork you travel to an area or a dig where you get hands on training of excavating remains. There are certain grants given that can fund all your fieldwork expenses. One of the most important things in order to achieve in this career is to obtain a Phd. There is a program in Germany that allows you to obtain the degree free of charge and they bolster you by paying your living expenses. The reason I choose this career is because it's actually my major so when I went in with Cheryl Kroll we looked over classes that can apply to this certain branch of Anthro. We found out that in order for me to transfer I have to complete all the 9 anthropology classes el Camino offers and take statistics. I would have to particularly focus on archaeology and biological anthropology for Forensic anthro. The person I interviewed is Dia Flores she is a cultural anthropology professor at El Camino. I was very inquisitive when asking the professor questions. For her education she had a bachelor's in social science and a masters in anthropology. She was the one that informed about fieldwork and told me about her experience in Sri Lanka. She was a strong advocate of the idea of doing your fieldwork on something Her advice on getting a phd is to look for programs that pay you to earn the degree like the one in Germany. Being a Forensic anthropologist takes about 9 years if completed with a Phd.Overall I think this career matches me because it did show the characteristics that are needed for the job.
Blog #2: Environmental Science
My true color is green and the careers I found in that area was environmental science. I found out that people can make a lot of money in that field. This field is not that competitive its actually very easy to become an environmental science. I'm very good in science and this field is good for me. My counselors name Ken Key. Who is a science counselor told me about this field. It is cohesive to the world and the environment. I wasn't as stressed as I was Ken Key gave me some resource of jobs for environmental. Their are some fields of environmental which are very robust. I knew what classes I needed to take in the future. I enjoy working in the lab when I was in chemistry. This is working in the lab which is something I enjoy. I can find cures for diseases and make the world a utopia. In the environment it is hard for the scientist to find new cures in life. I can change that by inventing something new. It also doesn't need a college degree all it needs is some classes and thats it.
Blog #2 motivational speaker
My color turned out to be orange and the following career I found in that area was motivational speaker. I learned that the many people who have that job are not even educated in college. It does not require any education nor degree, rather instead it requires courage. My counselors name Dora Miranda, I went in not even knowing what classes to take next or which ones I should. I had no idea how college was going to work out for me. When she began to help me find what classes I should take, It began to more relaxing. I wasn't as stressed as I was or should be. She layered it out on the table for me. It feels good that there are counselors just for that cause, it makes a big difference for anyone. I understood what GED classes I will take in the future. I realized I was actually taking one of those classes already. Dora Miranda was a great counselor and very excusing for any thing I did not know about college, It was something to be embarrassed about but she didn't care about that which was cool. The person I interviewed was my Pastor Jimmy. His position is the youth leader for our church and he is the head director of Southern California Hispanic Missions. He said it is a lot of work you must practice within yourself that others may be benefited. He said an individual has to observe their own lives and fix what might contradict what they are trying to do in life, such as a pastor or a motivational speaker. For it not to be a contradiction, you have to keep your life and your job symmetrical Especially trying to be a motivation for the people, you have to live a life that constantly motivates itself. In order to see who you are, you have to be lucid towards others. I found online that there are struggles at times trying to figure out what to say and such. One involved a lot of stage freight or even anxiety before speaking. It is a feeling every human must get when speaking to large crowds. It is normal and it is adaptive because not only does it bring anxiety but when you give it your all, you receive integrity. Self happiness that comes from others happiness, a joy that only comes from helping other people and not for yourself. It is a job that cleanses a person from ignorance or pride. It is a self benefiting job when it comes to helping others lives. Honestly speaking, it is a lifestyle of verbose
Sunday, October 30, 2016
My color was gold in my true color test. I follow rules most of the times, and have a strong sense of right and wrong. I enjoy feeling useful I like people to ask me for help. I am also very punctual and organized. The career of accounting suits me because they are very useful for people and have to be organized in the job. It is good money also so I can provide for my family whenever I decide to have one. Talking to Ken Gaines I found out that you need a bachelors degree and the major for this job is Business. We came up with a conspiracy for me and how to achieve all the requirements I needed to become a accountant. He was very helpful and even went through some trouble on his computer to find out exactly what I needed and what were some good schools I could go to that were germane to my major. He genuinely seemed like he wanted to help me achieve my goals. Also, what really got me to feel good about this was that if I get the degree in business then there are so many other things you can do with business that if I end up not liking accounting then there is a big list of other things I can do. I talked with a guy named Patrick Hull. He teaches an accounting and a business class at El Camino. He used to do accounting after he graduated college. I found out that he used to be an accountant but decided not to do it because it was too hard. There was constant pressure on him and long work days up to 14 hours. And, when he got off he would still be working trying to learn new things he had to perform his job. Also, when he was in college he decided to do the job for the same reason I did. It was because he was good with numbers but found out that that isn't the only thing you need to be good at. You need to be reading a lot and know how to write good essays. I was a little distraught after this interview because I used to think it was all about numbers and thought it would be perfect for me but he made me second guess it now. But I actually wont know until I try an accounting class.
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