My True Color is: Green
My color explains that I like to seek knowledge and understanding, and how we like to live up to our own standards and not someone elses rules. We are deep thinkers, and we are the ones who like everything to kind of be perfect. We question everything that is being said/taught to us, and how we want answers for everything that we question.
The Career I choose is: Liberal Studies
Somethings that I found out is that women earn two percent more than a male when it comes to teaching. That is something that is crazy, and something I forsure did not know. I also learned that you get weekly hours, depending how old you are. Starting minimum wage for a teacher is around $18.60. That for me is amazing because I get to do what I have always wanted to do, and get paid for doing it. I found out that the hours you work per week also depends on your age, my starters would be from ages 20-29, and that is 37 or more hours a week. The older you get, the more hours you get. I also read, that you get paid more depending in the area you work, and on average about how old the kids are. Another way you can get paid more, would be if you teach a foreign language, you can be payed more.
Counselor’s meet-up:
I ended up meeting with Sabra Sabio. She was such an amazing counselor, and I recommend her to everyone because she seriously a huge help. She seemed to know almost all the answers to my questions, and when there was a question that she wasn’t able to answer, she would find a way to get the answer. She was one out four counselors that I have met up and actually helped me. She ended up showing me types of schools that offered my major, and the ones that didn’t. She gave me several liaisons to websites, on how I could get informed about college meetups or when I can be notified that they would be coming to El Camino. Because I was undecided on what school I wanted to transfer after El Camino, she gave me options and helped me narrow my options to two schools that I am interested in. She gave me the rubric of what I was expected from UC’s and CSU’s and explained to me how I can get there. I knew that Liberal studies was a major that was probably going to be ubiquitous, but I guess I was wrong. The only UC that would probably take me for my major (and would be a huge help) is Riverside, and one of my options was UCLA. She also made me an educational plan, and showed/explain how that all worked. I have met up with 3 counselors before her, and never did they mention an educational plan to me. She was overall a huge help, because she showed me a lot about different types of colleges and helped me choose all my classes that I will be taking in the next two years at El Camino. She really seemed like she cared, and liked doing her job.
I ended interviewing my elementary teacher Mrs.Tank. She was my third grade teacher that I haven't seen since then. She worked in Anderson Elementary school in 154th. I ended up finding her contact information through my 5th grade teacher Mrs.Strong, who worked with her. While interviewing her, I learned that being an elementary teacher could be harder than it sounds. That just because you get to “boss” little kids around, doesn’t mean things will be easy. She told me that patience is key when you are teaching kids. When they don’t get things of the bat you have to be willing to be there, and explain to them, until they get them. She also told me that teaching young kids makes you feel pressured, because in a way, you are basically shaping them to either love school or hate it. She explain how kids at that young age already have their minds set, whether they like school or not, but you could be a changing factor in their lives. That is something that I couldn’t possibly search on the internet because that comes from an actual person in that particular career. These might seem like very simple things that I could've figured out on my own, but they seriously meant a lot, because I haven’t yet thought of them. Something that I really didn't really know is that she told me that there is a lack of teachers. She then told me how euphoric she was to hear that one of her old students was going to basically going to fill in her footsteps and become an elementary teacher.

I ended interviewing my elementary teacher Mrs.Tank. She was my third grade teacher that I haven't seen since then. She worked in Anderson Elementary school in 154th. I ended up finding her contact information through my 5th grade teacher Mrs.Strong, who worked with her. While interviewing her, I learned that being an elementary teacher could be harder than it sounds. That just because you get to “boss” little kids around, doesn’t mean things will be easy. She told me that patience is key when you are teaching kids. When they don’t get things of the bat you have to be willing to be there, and explain to them, until they get them. She also told me that teaching young kids makes you feel pressured, because in a way, you are basically shaping them to either love school or hate it. She explain how kids at that young age already have their minds set, whether they like school or not, but you could be a changing factor in their lives. That is something that I couldn’t possibly search on the internet because that comes from an actual person in that particular career. These might seem like very simple things that I could've figured out on my own, but they seriously meant a lot, because I haven’t yet thought of them. Something that I really didn't really know is that she told me that there is a lack of teachers. She then told me how euphoric she was to hear that one of her old students was going to basically going to fill in her footsteps and become an elementary teacher.
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