Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Talent of Playing Being Athletic

Take a good look at me. Yes I am a girl, I am short, and fragile looking, I am what you call a rudimentary girl. Do not be so quick to instigate, I promise you that I am not your average 17 year old girl as appearances can fool. I love sports. Watching and playing sports is my favorite hobby. My favorite sport is soccer. I am very euphoric when I watch soccer and when I play I tend to play very aggressive. I played varsity soccer my four years in high school and to top it off I also played in many community teams (6 to be exact) at the same time. 
Junior Year

In fact soccer was not the only sport I played, I also played softball, football, basketball and volleyball. Any new sport that I try I tend to not fritter and begin to practice extremely hard and repetitively. I am not one to squelch when participating in these sports. The more sports I try and play I notice that many coaches are surprised on how fast I pick up the sport. I analyze and adapt quickly and learn from my mistakes which lead me to become robust in the sport. Playing sports just comes natural to me and most of the time I strive on that natural talent.
Freshman Year

Now looking back at my appearance, you may be surprised to see that I am more than just a girl. I am an athlete. 
Senior Year


  1. Disclaimer, could not find other pictures in other sports :((

  2. I played softball, baskeball, and volleyball growing up, but soccer was never my sport because I just could not run for 90 minutes!

  3. When I was younger I also played softball and soccer but I was not very good in either sport so I stopped playing. I also hated running.

  4. I love sports too but soccer isn't my favorite, too much running back and forth

  5. I like how you described your love for soccer and supported it with details.

  6. I played soccer throughout high school and it was so much fun, I love running it's just an amazing sport.

  7. I love to play sport, but my favorites are baseball and x-country. I like to play soccer but stopped in high school.

  8. I love to play sport, but my favorites are baseball and x-country. I like to play soccer but stopped in high school.
