Tuesday, September 27, 2016


My names is Isileli Fifita Ahoia and I am in a family of 11. A big family to most would think, but to me is infallible. To be honest I think it a blessing to have so many loved ones.  No matter where we are or who we are with its family over everything, that is how we were brought up. With my family it is respect to the eldest, hands down. If one of the younger ones were to speak out of turn everyone would berate him and or her. Other than that we collaborate with each other fairly well. Big loving family.
Family 4 Life
 The eldest of us all, Kelepi Ahoia, I would have to say is the smartest of us all, and loving person who thinks of others before himself. Be warned though you take advantage of his kindness and you are going to wish that you had not. The things could be said about all of us. We all share the same traits its just a little different with each an every on of us. I can speak on behalf of all my brothers and sisters when I say I love my mother and father dearly. I could never see myself making it this far in life without them. To lose any one of them would be the very end of me.


  1. Wow, family of 11! I can imagine your dinner time being boisterous and fun!

  2. Woah you have a huge family. You all look very much a like. I would love to have a big family like you.
