Wednesday, September 28, 2016

South Korea

Image result for daegu koreaI'm from South Korea, Daegu, which is located at the bottom right side of South Korea. South Korea is a small country but is capable of many things. We also have many places around our country that really brings out the color of Korea. I grew up in a small neighborhood area, one of those places where almost everyone knows each other in town.

When I used to live in Korea, there were hills and mountains all over the place, and it was a good place to walk around, or take a hike. But due to the proliferation of technology, the cities have changed to more "modern" world. But that doesn't mean that South Korea isn't an euphoric place.

Image result for seoul

There are many places to visit in Korea, but I will only name few. First is the capital of Korea, Seoul. In Seoul, there are many things to see, such as street performers, outside malls that are always crowded with people, and many optimum restaurants that are popular among Koreas, but also the foreigners that come to visit. The nightlife in Seoul, is what people look forward to, for the nightclubs, bars, etc.

Image result for jejudo

Jejudo is a must go place if you ever visit Korea. It's sort of like the Hawaii in America, but for Korea. Jejudo is rich in its nature, the beaches, the mountains, horse riding, delicious seafood restaurants, and many others, It's an island not too far off from Korea, only 2-3 hour ride in a boat or a ship.  


  1. Hawaii of South Korea sounds like an intriguing place to visit!

  2. I would love to go to South Korea after all the things you just told me about, very scared of flying though. The pictures you put are super pretty and its cool they have nightclubs and more stuff!

  3. South Korea seems like a very nice place to visit, hopefully I could visit South Korea in my future.

  4. I forsake one day will go to South Korea! It's on my bucket list now.
