Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Blog #1: Me, Myself, and I; Blog #2: My True Color and Career

For Blog #1, you will be talking about yourself.  Pick ONE topic from below:
1.  Your Hometown - talk about where you are from, what makes it special, any place that we should go to, and include pictures of your hometown.
2.  Your Family - talk about your family and something special about each member of your family.  Also include pictures of your family members.
3.  Your Talent - talk about your talent and what you do.  Include pictures showing your talent.

The blog has to be 200+ words.  Also, write in complete sentences using good grammar and spelling skills - it will be seen by many people, so you want to show your best work!  Most importantly, use 3 new vocabulary words that you've learned and highlight or bold the vocabulary words.

For Blog #2, you will be talking about your True Color and the career research that you have been doing.

Do not just copy and paste what you have found out on the Eureka website. Include your color, your career, and some interesting facts that you've uncovered while doing your research. 
  • Also, include your counselor's name and how he/she helped you during the meeting. What information did they give you and was there something special about the counselor?  
  • Next, talk about the person that you interviewed (name, position, place of employment), and share at least one thing that you learned from them that was totally different than what you found while doing your own research online.   
  • Include at least 3 new vocabulary words that you have learned (highlight them)
  • The post must be at least 400 words and be grammatically correct. 
  • Include a picture - extra points if you get a picture of the person that you interviewed and/or where they work (get their permission first before you take and upload their picture!). 

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